
Angela’s Blog

Get Comfortable with Failure

We’re going to talk about failure and comfort zones. We talked about our comfort zones last time. I did a presentation on my own, and a lot of us, you know, most of us actually feel like, we can’t be who we are authentically made to be because there’s some fear there that blocks us, and so we stayed inside this little, small space where it is safe, right?

So, there are all of these people who have wonderful gifts and talents and they never use them because it’s easier to stay in a job that sometimes they hate, to stay in a relationship that is not productive, to stay in an environment that does not feed their soul but it’s easy, it’s a comfort zone. You know some people say that women, in particular, (probably men, too) would rather love the devil they know than try to start a new relationship. So, it was all about that comfort zone, that really small space where we keep ourselves because we’re afraid. So, if we’re talking about failure in the comfort zone then the next logical question is, what is failure?

Watch the full video to learn more.

Are you getting comfortable with failure or are you learning from it? How do you define failure and what do you do with the feelings of failure?