The Good, Bad, and the Ugly of the Gig Economy
Angela Heath: “You’re trying to get me to do it in five to six minutes, a workshop that I do in days. This is one of my favorite topics and I am going to do a very high-level flyover workshop that I do, and you intellectuals in the room will love the title of this workshop. It is called “The Good, the Bad, and the very ugly of the gig economy.”
The good: Everybody knows the good. Flexibility. We have time to do what we want to do when we want to do it, and how we want to do it.
The good: People who are 45 and older now have the opportunity to say “You know what I hated that job for 30 years. Now, I’m going to take who I am, repurpose it and earn some income with it.”
The good is that people in other countries that we used to call developing countries, their whole economies are shifting we have people who used to make $3 a day or now charging three and four dollars an hour, and even if they don’t work 40 hours they are rich in their country. So we have it. We don’t have enough of it yet but what we see coming is that it’s going to shift the economies of the developing world which is fabulous.
Watch the full video to learn more.